Tuesday, 1 February 2011


This blog was about keeping track of my travels, adventures primarily and then maybe random rants here and there. Not that there haven't been any adventures in the last year, I just haven't gotten down to words yet. 2010 was a pretty eventful year. A lot of firsts!

This year's starting out retro. I'm back in the city I was born in but I realize it's not that same city anymore or maybe I'm not that same person that I was 6 years ago. So this year I'm going to start my adventures small. I'll start by re-discovering the city that was home to me before and home to me once again. I'll start by re-discovering friends I've lost touch with and maybe discovering corners that I've never been to before, stepping in puddles I haven't stepped before. I'm excited to begin!


Unknown said...

Glad that you are blogging again :)

Umelette said...

Yay to have you back :)

Galette said...

@Ganesh and @Umelette: Free time blogs you down!