Monday, 15 December 2008

Tagged by the tagger

Jinuni told me what a tag was andI thought it would be interesting to answer a tag, so lets see what I come up with.

Ten things you could say to people right now:

10. Turn down the cold already! ( I hope God answers)
9. Work heater! Work! ( if i talked to it, it could be personified)
8. I am NOT your cook!
7. Do u make a face hat? you know, the hat that keeps your nose warm...
6. It's the most wonderful time of the year!
5. Just because I love it here, doesn't mean I don't miss home.
4. Can I have a chocolate croissant please?
3.  I'd like a "yes" or a "no" and not a "we could do that"
2. I'm trying to make the most of it but I'm lazy
1. Music is still my radar

Nine things about yourself:

9. I'm generally enthusiastic and decide things instantaneously.
8. I'm also lazy.
7. I want my life to be an adventure.
6. I'm stuck to my laptop most of the time for no real reason.
5. Music and books are things I need to have around.
4. I don't relate to people with no sense of humour.
3. my laughter is like the soundtrack to hell
2. my family and friends know me better than me
1. I'm lost and confused (most of the time)

Eight ways to win your heart:

8. Tell a really stupid joke and laugh heartily coz YOU think it's funny and it doesn't matter that others don't
7. Defend your taste in music like you're defending your most prized possession.
6. Read a book and laugh out loud at the funny parts
5. Be really silly sometimes.
4. Be ok with losing control.
3. Bring me bhajjis when it rains :)
2. drink chai in coffee shops like me!
1. Just be yourself.

Seven things that cross your mind a lot:

6. So many places to go, so little time to go in.
5. I don't want to go to school! 
4. I think I will invent the face hat.
3. why is there so much dog poop around this place!
2. I will learn to swim
1. I will be more productive!

Six things you wish you never did:

I've momentarily wished a lot of things to be undone. But I look back now, all the things Ive done have made me, ME. So no there's nothing I'd wish I'd never done.

Five turn offs:

5. No sense of humour
4. A holier than thou attitude
3. Being overly possessive or obsessive of anything or anyone
2. matlabi people 
1. overly loud people 

Four turn ons:

4. a super sense of humour and witty banter
3. readers and musickers
2. creativity in anything
1. someone non-judgemental

Three things you want to do before you die:

3. see, explore the world
2. be a musician even if it's on the street
1. learn to shop alone

Two things someone told you'd never forget:

2. "Yeh mauth bhi mujhse darrti hai, kambaqt BLADE bhi nahi milti!"

One confession:

Being honest to myself is the hardest thing.

Jinuni how do you think I did?

And as detailed in the tagging ritual, i now tag thee uma, alison , Bhaskarina and shubhi dubhi


Umelette said...

Wow ! That took guts to write down ! Am sure in the process, u learn't a lot and thought a lot about yourself which is the most important thing, that u more often than not forget to do. Hugs darling !

Jinu Peyeti said...

Galer! you did SO freakin well!!! and the answers are SO YOUUUU! and as Uma says, I am sure it made you think a bit, because it made ME think a bit!I will tag u more often now! :)

Alison said...

very introspective. lik said 2 Uma the other day, this trip is makin us think more than v usually do. sometimes it's lik, damn it y d **** do v hav so much time n at other times it helps us learn so much abt ourselves n others. Way 2 go girl. I'm inspired by u!

Unknown said...

that musta taken a lot of time to do beginning to get a good idea oh really how fukat u are dese days..hehe

Bhaskar aka Lugaai said...

i m doin tat on my blog next ... :P super stuff thou ..