Today, as I watched "He's just not that into you" and made all sorts of "awww" sounds at the end of the movie, something profound hit me! I made a surprising discovery about myself I realised that I'm such a big ass sap! I didn't I was so sappy till just today when this movie ended. The movie was nice, it wasn't the greatest ever but at the end of it, I was all warm, gooey and happy. Like one of those cakes with melty chocolate stuff inside.(drool... why did i make this comparaison again?) Then realised I bought some of those a few days ago. This fact just solidified my mush theory.
Gawd, I used to think (keyword: think) I was so edgy! Haha! That I wasn't like the rest. Reality just bit me. I'm just as sappy as the rest. God help me!
Wednesday, 27 May 2009
Monday, 25 May 2009
Time's a bitch
Perpignan has been my home away from home for the last 8 months. For eight months, I have walked into my apartment with a feeling of well being, a feeling of home, a feeling of belonging. The last few days, this feeling has been less apparent. I think I've reached my limit of being away from my real home. I miss the people, the smells, the noise, everything! I'm even yearning for some good old fashioned work! I feel like I have been on pause for the past months and my life is going to start playing only once I get back! 9 months of mostly vacation seemed like such an awesome thing when I got here.
Now I know for sure, too much of anything is no good. I have loved nearly every minute that I've been here. I've met some great people, finally lived on french soil, eaten cheese and drunk fine wine to my hearts content, travelled some, seen something that I never thought I would. The fun experiences keep coming. I have pretty much been living my dream but now I'm waiting to get back to reality. Time has never moved slower! What a bitch time can be...
Now I know for sure, too much of anything is no good. I have loved nearly every minute that I've been here. I've met some great people, finally lived on french soil, eaten cheese and drunk fine wine to my hearts content, travelled some, seen something that I never thought I would. The fun experiences keep coming. I have pretty much been living my dream but now I'm waiting to get back to reality. Time has never moved slower! What a bitch time can be...
Saturday, 23 May 2009
The Perfect day!
Last week, I spent a day in Marseille. From the moment I woke up that day, I felt good and the day felt good and it just got better and better. The weather was perfect, the city is just too pretty for words. It has one of the best cityscapes I've seen so far. But the thing that struck me the most was the atmosphere, it was lively. It felt like everyone was happy to be there. It was vibrant! People dancing on the street, bands playing music, someone trying to unicycle while another tries to push a friend around in a shopping cart! It had an old world charm to it but yet it was a modern city, a city that moved, a city with a gorgeous port!
We took the boat to a nearby island, chateau d'if. It was made famous by Alexandre Dumas and the Count of Monte Cristo! The vistas were just too good to be true. We met some nice people on the way and there. We explored, we oohed and aahed at the views. We sang at echo points. We shadow-danced!
A few weeks ago, I spent three days on the couch of someone I had never met before. I just wrote to them before I got there and they very generously opened their apartment to me, made me feel like home, fed me yummy honey and were such good hosts.
I spent the weekend with around 30 random people exploring the city of Montpellier! It was great! To meet different people who have the same motivation: travelling and doing new things! I've always been apprehensive about trying couchsurfing even though I love the idea of it. But I'm glad I did go ahead and try it. It was one of the best weekends I've had in France.
I lost horribly at petanque (my team was fun though!), we danced all night long, we walked around Montpellier and chilled at its beaches, we tasted wine and did not spit any out like we were supposed to, we built sand men and called them sandy and then jumped on him (poor fella) and felt evil! Of course, I proved I was me by losing some stuff along the way but the important things have not been lost yet (like my sanity! hee haa! though sandy is not so sure about that...)
Long Day Cycling!
For a while now, I've been talking about spending a weekend cycling. Just me and some friends riding across some villages in Southern France. Of course, all I did was talk and that too with people who weren't in France. But Sophie planned out a wonderful day cycling around some villages North of Perpignan and I was super excited at the prospect of cycling around some towns, wind in my hair, sense of freedom etc. I got nearly poetic in my head.
Then the day arrived, I got the inappropriately dressed, the idea of cycling 80 km really sinking in and feeling like an idiot ( but whats new!). These things have a way of working out though. One of the girls lent me her floaters (Gawd, i LOVE floaters!) and we were on our way. On days like these, I realise how out of shape I am. (I know this on other days too but it was just clearer that day!). I huffed I puffed, I murmured pep talks to myself. I referred to myself as the turtle. I faked reasons to stop and take rest( eg: time to tie my hair, time to untie my hair, time to put on a sweater, oh look! pretty flower etc...)
By the time the day ended, every muscle in my body hurt. I couldn't sit without making small squeaky sounds but I've never slept better! I slept the sleep of real fatigue!
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
My Birthday
I'm not a very "Yay! it's my birthday person" I'm nearly always " Argh! I'm a year older and I have accomplished nothing that I wanted to." Needless to say that this day nearly never goes well. Last year was good but this year was better. I was in Barcelona this year (previously described as my dream city). I spent the day walking, staring in awe, rambling, looking curiously and just being happy to see this beautiful city. I tried to figure out the sculptures at Sagrada Familia, I happily tramped around Guell park and generally up and down Las Ramblas. I felt truly happy. So I think this is what I'm gonna do every birthday. Go someplace I have always dreamed of going but never been!
I also had a great surprise! Some of my friends and family under duress by a certain person (you know who you are :D)made videos for me. They sang and wished me happy birthday and said funny things and I was just so happy to see them that it made all the bad crap go away. So Thanks everyone! It was the sweetest thing ever!
PS: thats me eating my fancy cake in a tapas bar somewhere in Barcelona! :)
Monday, 27 April 2009
Semana Santa
Semana Santa i.e holy week is a huge deal in Spain and I didn't really understand till I unknowingly landed there bang in the middle of it. It was nothing like holy week in India. In India, it's subdued. Granted there aren't that many catholics in India but I thought we were big enough in number. But, when you see the extravagance of Semana Santa, you can only be awestruck.
The basis of what happens: For a whole week that is the week of Easter, a bunch of brotherhoods take to the streets carrying their patron saints on their shoulders. This might not sound very grand. The patron saints are on floats which are carried by the brothers. These floats are huge and accordingly VERY heavy! Most of the floats were carried by at least 60-70 men. I was pretty much in awe the whole time. (jaw on the road and everything).

You also cannot fail to notice the big pointy Ku Klux Klan like hats but these are colourful. Everyone colour you can imagine. I asked someone why the hats and he said the person under that is repenting for things he has done and therefore hides his face. The fact the KKK used the same kind of hats is totally unrelated (phew) but it still is quite something to look at!
The kids with the pointy hats were the cutest! Running around (ok, walking) in their pointy little hats not looking dangerous at all ( some of the older ones looked like pointy hatted hanumans!)
There were some other kids who were not part of the procession but who i'm sure came to see it everyhere and had wax balls which they had made with wax collected from processions every year. I guess it would be something I would do too if I got to see it every year!

Overall I was awed, creeped out a bit but mostly in awe that I got to see such a solemn and beautiful tradition in person. We got to see it in action in Malaga and in Madrid!
The basis of what happens: For a whole week that is the week of Easter, a bunch of brotherhoods take to the streets carrying their patron saints on their shoulders. This might not sound very grand. The patron saints are on floats which are carried by the brothers. These floats are huge and accordingly VERY heavy! Most of the floats were carried by at least 60-70 men. I was pretty much in awe the whole time. (jaw on the road and everything).
You also cannot fail to notice the big pointy Ku Klux Klan like hats but these are colourful. Everyone colour you can imagine. I asked someone why the hats and he said the person under that is repenting for things he has done and therefore hides his face. The fact the KKK used the same kind of hats is totally unrelated (phew) but it still is quite something to look at!
There were some other kids who were not part of the procession but who i'm sure came to see it everyhere and had wax balls which they had made with wax collected from processions every year. I guess it would be something I would do too if I got to see it every year!
Overall I was awed, creeped out a bit but mostly in awe that I got to see such a solemn and beautiful tradition in person. We got to see it in action in Malaga and in Madrid!
Changing it up!
It's been about two months since I wrote something. I think I've been in a rut: blog wise and life wise. I just get lazy sometimes and it's difficult to unlaze me. But I have decided Again to push my ever growing butt out of this self-created ditch and get myself on the happy road again. I did pretty much nothing for the month of March including no blogging. So I decided to change that in April. The holidays were great! Will blog about that soon. I also changed the template! Tell me what you think about it! Thought I'd change it up a bit!
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Coming Home
The last four months have been a succession of new experiences, new places and new people. I've been in Perpignan for 5 months now. I didn't think it would start to feel like home. I walk down familiar streets. I see people that I've never met but I know by face and nod and smile. I "bonjour" people like nobody's business. The lady at the supermarket recognises me. These things help that homely feeling.
I came back to Perpignan after a week of vacation. The next day, I met two very good friends and then it truly felt like I was home. We talked, chattered more like. We made crepes (there's nearly always food involved :D) and caught up on vacation details and other updates. It felt like we'd been doing that forever. So the homecoming was sweet!
Friday, 27 February 2009
My dream city
Last weekend, I went to Barcelona. Land of Gaudi, football and crazy parties. I've been curious about it for awhile now. No one says anything bad about Barcelona. Everyone seems to love it and I wanted firsthand information on the why.
I took the bus to get there and promptly (like an old lady) fell asleep. I got up just as we were rolling into Barcelona. My first thought was: this is place is huge!. Recently I've been feeling like I'm from Alibaug everytime I see a big city. Perpignan has ruined twenty... hmmm... LOTS of years of big city life in 4 months. I felt that awe of seeing something new and what can only be described as gorgeous. We get there and I'm rearing to go and that's when it strikes me: I dont speak the language. That put a damper on my enthusiasm but not for long! We got directions and promptly got lost ( my brilliant map reading skills don't do very well when tested).
We finally got our hostel ( map worked at last!) and the exploration began! I just couldn't get over the fact that there were soooo many people. I know I sound like a blubbering village idiot. But there were soo many people! I loved it! Noisy, Lively and Vibrant! People painting on the sidewalk, random statue people, singing, dancing and hussling of course! I didn't want to blink. I soaked and soaked and soaked in the atmosphere, the loverly weather and the happy people.
Another thing that surprised. Stores were open till late! In France, everything shuts by 6. In Barcelona, 6 is when people set out to shop! Stores were open till 10! This did not help my budget. In fact, it burned a hole right in the middle of it. But it was Spain! I was like eh whatever!
Another time factor: people eat late! We went to a restaurant at 10 which I thought was late. It was empty I thought people were done ages ago. Said people walked in at 11! I loved that! Especially after Blore where everything shuts at 11:30 and France where its pretty much the same unless you go to a bar. We had sangrias(slurp) and paella.
The morning was gorgeous! We didn't do much. Just walked around. Soaked in the sun. Walked along the port. Randomly stopped and listened to people singing and playing music. I can't wait to go back!
Sunday, 8 February 2009
Three Black Bears
A week ago, A friend told me about this curious festival happening in a village close by. It was called la fete de l'ours ( the festival of the bear). She told me people get in bear costumes and they have a parade and a ball. I thought it sounded interesting. I talked with some other people about it. I was told there was a chasse! (hunt). A hunt? I thought, who are they kidding!
I went to this little village called Prats Le Mollo in the mountains today and they were not kidding at all! It was by far the craziest festival I've ever seen! Let me give you the gist of what I saw: There are three black bears. They're bad bears. They come down the mountain and paint peoples faces black. Their minions sing, chant, shoot their guns and help find the victims. They go around town painting faces till the people in white come in. These guys come in with band baaja and chain the bad bears up. Then they shear them. Shave all their hair off and suddenly, the bears are all civilised and dancing with everyone. Everyone gets happy and goes to the bar close by!
I have no idea how this festival started. I don't even know if I should call it a festival. It was madness! People running everywhere and singing loudly! The bears literally taking people down and greasing them all over! Girls screaming, kids bursting crackers. The bears kept going for the people who were well dressed! If you were wearing white, you were a goner. Fortunately (or unfortunately) I was wearing dark blue and black, so I didn't get bear-handled but some of the others I went with weren't so lucky! All in all, we had a bears day out.
In the end, we went to a bar and danced to YMCA of all songs! I couldn't believe I was in a small pub in a small town dancing to that song! The thing that really got me dancing was the pear alcohol we gulped from some black-faced village guys' pouch-thing!
Another First
This Saturday for the first time ever, I went skiing! Hee... To recount background info, I went skiing with the university (they organise a trip nearly every week). We went to a place in the mountains(Pyrenees) close by called Puyvalador. The weather conditions were horrible: -11 degrees, lots of snow, lots of wind.These are the settings for my first few hours of skiing!
Needless to say, I fell a LOT. That wasn't the worst part. I just couldn't get up after i fell! I tried and I tried and I tried. Then someone would come and push me up! Stupid freaking flat skis! after the first 3 falls,(and 20 mins of trying to get upright per fall before my instructor helped me up) I vowed not to fall! I managed most of the morning without falling. Of course, 5 yr olds whizzing by you, skiing like pros, is not a confidence booster. But I was determined not to give up.
By the end of the day, I had fallen 6 times, the wind tried to push me over many more times but I learned to dig myself in and stop pretty quick! For some reason, I could only turn left and not right. I tried sooo hard to turn right but it just wouldn't happen! But I was happy that that morning it took me 10 mins to get down that slope and by afternoon, it took me less than a minute. Of course, this was the baby slope. But I don't care, it was achievement enough for one day.
A day later, I still hurt all over! Again, I realize how out of shape I am. I know I'm going to be in the same state next time too but I can't wait to go again!
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
25 Random things about me
This one has been doing the rounds as a Facebook note. I got tagged more than once. Since That's a little TOO public for me , I'm talking about my random things for my dutiful few :)
25. I like singing songs to every random phrase I hear.
24. I'm learning to cook in France and have decided I love it!
23. I will ALWAYS laugh if someone snorts or farts. (I can't stop myself!)
22. I'm mostly too positive for my own good.
21. I'm super lazy. I hate doing any work. I'll stare at the ceiling all day as an alternative to work.
20. I hate when people call me "dear". Argh. Grates on my nerves.
19. My laughter's like the soundtrack to hell.
18. The most important decisions in my life (career, studies etc) have been spur of the moment.
17. Bombay will always be home, but these days I'm more comfortable in Blore.
16. I've met the greatest people on the drunkest nights.
15. I love fiddling with my nose ring (I'm sure most people think I'm digging my nose.)
14. I can never take a compliment, will always make a joke.
13. I love anything vampire, i don't know why.
12. I'm addicted to sitcoms and gossipy dramas with prancing pretty people.
11. Even though I miss being home, I love being away too. Though, Absence DOES make the heart fonder.
10. I've never been a confident person. Self Esteems issues, I think.
9. I miss playing lagori, sakli and hide and seek.
8. I love trying to fake accents. (I'm really bad :D)
7. I'd rather go out to a dinner with my friends than go dancing.
6. I'm super clumsy. I always have bruises which I have no account for!
5. France made me realize how much i love India.
4. I love the beach. even though I can't swim!
3. Ive had phases of reading all kinds of things: the latest was fantasy. dragons, witches, spells!
2. I always have phases of music. Lately I've been phaseless which saddens me.
1. I'm collecting all the wine bottles that I use to see how many I have at the end of nine months.
(I know, stupid! But the ever-growing pile amuses me!)
Monday, 2 February 2009
Stretched out
I don't know if it was a good idea or a bad one. But I got up this morning (late as usual).
I spoke to my friend Mariel yesterday. We made vague plans (according to me) to go to a stretching class. I was feeling lazy (like I always do) but Mariel turned up and was all set to go. Even though I was feeling lazy, I decided to put that aside and be productive! ( like I've been trying to nearly all my life!)
So we go to this class. It's called stretching and man were they not kidding! I stretched muscles that I did not know, existed. There was a lot of balance involved( which I soo do NOT have). I kept kind of falling over to one side. Mariel was doing the exercises like a pro. I was huffing and puffing to try and stretch and keep position. With my head towards the floor, one leg in the ceiling try to support my body weight on my fingers, I thought to myself: Please don't topple. With a soft grunt, I did. Topple over that is. But it was a subtle toppling. No one saw it, I think...
The end of the class was the best, we just lay down and relaxed. If it was a little longer, I would've fallen asleep! Even though, I felt good after the class, at that time, man I wanted to weep! (tears of pain! hee! ok maybe I'm being a wee bit over dramatic). It also made me realise I'm not in any physical shape to day ANY physical activity. So, I decided, I'm going to continue with this class. I'll stretch till I can't stretch no more!
Sunday, 1 February 2009
Auberge Espagnole
The first of February was the first of what I hope will be many assistant "get-togethers". Let me step back and tell you that there are about 25 odd assistants in Perpignan which is a tiny city in the South of France. We vaguely know each other, nod heads as we do our everyday thing. But we haven't really met and done anything together. So I decided to take the initiative(one of the few times that THAT has happened!). I invited all the assistants that I could think of to my place on a Sunday afternoon. (Perpignan is so European in that way. Theres absolutely nothing to do on a Sunday!).
The weather made something indoors the best thing to do! So we all gathered in my apartment for an "auberge espagnole" or in english "potluck". Everyone brought dishes from their countries or just something they adore and we all collectively "hogged". We ate and drank for more than 2 hours. It was great!.
I'm so glad I decided to do it in the end. There were a lot of people but we managed in my smallish apartment. 20 people! Even though there were mostly english speakers, a lot of french was spoken. I spoke to people I had seen around but never really talked to. The was brilliant. Recipes are going to be exchanged after this one for sure. We had everything from sushi to apple crumble! We talked about our students (more like bitched about them), discussed vacations (we have a lot of those!) and realised that we had a lot in common even though we came from different everythings! At times like these, I love being part of this programme! It was the kind of thing, Ive always wanted to be part of!
I want to experiment, do new things and this was the best thing I've done for a long time!
I tried so many new things in one evening!
I met new people, I tried new food( ex: sushi), I tried new drinks (ex: limoncello!).
Maybe I'm repeating myself but It was superfunkycool! (wink wink pleet :D)
Wednesday, 28 January 2009
song thats running in my head
With music and everything.
I fell into a burning ring of fire!
Down down down and the flames got hire!
and it burns burns burnsssssss
the ring of fire, the ring of fire.
I dont even know if the lyrics are right but this is whats running in my head.
I love that its back!
Sunday, 25 January 2009
Life's an adventure

So Saturday was an interesting day. It was one of those days where everything that happened was the opposite of what I'd planned. Friday night, I decided to go away for the weekend. I thought i would visit Umelette in Bordeaux and generally have a good ol' time. So I was well behaved Friday night, slept early and everything. I got up at the appointed time. Set out for the station in time too! (this never happens normally). I reach the centre of the world (according to Dali) half an hour before time. With my bags packed, my biggest smile on, I approach the counter and I say confidently "train to Bordeaux please!" (in french of course :D) She looks up and says "I'm sorry, There's a storm up in Bordeaux. Trains are going upto Toulouse and not further." My face fell first and then my bag (I'm clumsy with the damn thing). I felt like an idiot: all dressed to go, with my destination just getting blown away by the winds (literally).
So I think, Hey! I know people in Toulouse! Maybe I can go there. So I call my friends there. They say "Woohoo! let's get drunk!". I get my self all dizzy with excitement. Buy my ticket to Toulouse( which I payed full price for because I forgot my discount card). I get on the train. I keep thinking, it's such a pretty day. What storm ARE they talking about? When I get to Narbonne (which is about an hour away from Perpignan). They keep us waiting for a while and announce that it has been delayed for an indetermined amount of time. For some reason, I don't expect delays and cancellations in Europe! So it's not just India!
I get off, thinking this trip is JUST not meant to be. So I get on the next train back. This one stops midway too! Announcement: there's going to be a slight delay as a truck has fallen onto the tracks!. I half hoped they were kidding! But they got it cleared quite quick and I reach Perpignan where the winds had picked up a bit. I've gotten used to the winds in this region. So this was nothing new. I decide not to waste the day and catch a movie in the afternoon. I've been dying to watch slumdog millionaire.
So I meet some people and get comfortable in the cinema hall. 20 mins into the movie, everything comes to a standstill. No electricity. Sigh. When we get out of the cinema, the winds have reached incredible speeds. Walking against the wind was like climbing up hill! I thought to myself, this is just not my day! Nothings gone my way!
It continued. Nothing went my way, yet I had a great day and a silly little train adventureto go with it! My friend Mariel and I, walked dark streets. I tried tartiflette(slurpy good french food) for the first time! We sang french songs karaoke! We ate dessert, wore crowns, had a potato peeling contest! We chatted with people about everything and nothing. It was one of those days where everything going wrong was just about the best thing to happen!
Friday, 23 January 2009
The learning curve
I had a very interesting run-in today. It was a totally "sporadic" (wink wink jinuni) meeting on the street. I was walking back home from class thinking of food (obviously). I was lost in thought of a crunchy baguette with goat cheese(drool). This is when, a man walks up to me and asks me for the time in french. So while I look for my phone, I hear him say "Sorry" and whip my head up immediately. It's very rare to hear english on the streets here. I ask him " Do you speak English". I get the biggest smile ever and an "Of Course!"
A common language is so reassuring. Its a strong link in a country full of foreigners. He asks me where I am from. I tell him. Immediately he says " Namaste! Kya kar rahe ho?" I've never felt so happy hearing Hindi. He was in India for 2 weeks and he picked a few sentences up and I felt guilt and maybe some regret that I lived in Bangalore for more than a year without picking up basic Kannada. Anyway so moving on, we start chatting and I feel like this guy has the life that I dream about. He's a tourist guide! Takes french tourist to Spain and spanish tourists to France. I was dreaming about the job before he could finish the sentence!
Then He does something even more shocking, but in a good way. He sang for me in hindi!!!
He sang "mere sapno ki raani kab aayegi tu!" He sang it with perfect inunciation ( at least the words that he remembered). My jaw literally dropped. I asked him how he knew these songs ( he sang two) and he told me ever since he was young, he loved hindi songs. He used to sing them when he was in school. He said "I love the oldies." There I felt more regret. I know lot of hindi songs but at that moment I realised I never truly appreciated them. This lebanese guy could learn this song and appreciate its beauty and I never took the time to appreciate something that is my heritage(of sorts).
The learning curve continues in the land of the french: Everyday I appreciate my country and its multi-faceted culture more :)
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
I'm bringing music back!
The last few months have been great. But Something has been missing. Something that has been a big part of my life since I was a kid. Music has been part of my life ever since I can remember. It just makes me feel more alive and everything has that sparkly edge that you missed before. For some reason, I lost it. I lost my zest somewhere in the latter half of last year.
I feel sad that I would go hours on end without listening to any music. I look back and the last few months feel so robotic and monotonous. I want that pep back! I want to listen to a horrible song and call it what it is: horrible. I want to crib about how radio stations play soo much dirty pop ( OK maybe I have to be in Bangalore for this). I want to be obsessed with a new song! I haven't done that in ages. I miss that. (even though others don't I'm sure!) I want to sing in my head and dance while I walk!
So I decided to bring it back. Maybe it's not instinctive anymore. Maybe the Ipod ruined me. It doesn't do radio. So I'm bringing it back. Music is back! I'll listen to it all the time! I'm going to listen to everything I can. Because that's what I do! I spent a lot of time today afternoon just listening to some music. And squiggling my shoulders a bit. I missed it.
Music IS my radar!
Monday, 19 January 2009
Recapping 2008
So I stole Jinuni's recap idea, I don't think she'd mind. So Summarising My whole year.
Sneha got half married(:D)
February: Found out I was going to France. Uncontrollable jumping was involved
Back in Blore not too much work, lots of chilled out afternoons drinking coffee and dreaming about France with UmaB
March: Huffing and puffing up Shravanbelagola. Sangeeta left but Dipti remained. Good company at the hostel. :)
Jam packed with classes by the end of it
April: Had one of my best birthdays and the best gift.
Realised how painful apartment searching could be.
Baked in surprisingly hot Bangalore
May: Spent most of my time from class to class and the rest getting to know G.
June: Nonstop pace continued. Jet setted between Bombay and Blore. Meeting family: ALWAYS fun!
July: Got (o-my-god-what-am-i-doing) freaked about France! Finally found out that I was going to France for 9 months and to a little city called Perpignan.
August: Went to Hampi and loved it!
Had the best road trip ever! Kerala (sighs and dreams)
September: Suddenly realised it was time to leave and I didn't want to. messed up thoughts.
Got all geared up, packing, visaing etc.
Tried to catch up with friends before leaving. Caught up with Kitty after ages in Delhi. Felt like old times.
October: New country, new people, new apartment, rusty language skills. With few moments of missing home but a lot more of missing people and G more than I thought I would.
November: Had a good vacation and discovered some parts of France: Bordeaux, Toulouse, Montpellier. Weekends in Castelnou, Eus, Thuir etc.
December: UmaB visited Perpignan had a great time. Went to London and loved it. There's nothing better than Family at Christmas. Glasgow and Edinburgh were bonus.
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Veni, Visa, Vici!
I have never been much of a shopper. Weight issues just made shopping an ordeal and so I ignored it ( it's what I do to most ordeals). In the days of old, I bought clothes because my old ones had holes in them and they were now visible to the naked eye... The new me just went shopping ALONE for clothes and actually bought something! woohoo! one thing off the list of things to do before I die!
I can go to a old cramped bookstore and stumble from one bookshelf to another lulled by that old paper smell. I'll buy a pile of books without thinking twice but buying clothes(for me) is like getting diagnosed with some really embarassing disease: you want a second opinion. Most of my friends hate shopping with me because I'm a pain to shop with :D. I try to take myself outside comfort zones but somehow i create new ones. Even though I'm in a new country by myself, I drag my room mate or friends along everywhere I go.
But today, that changed! I went, I bought, I conquered! Veni, Visa Vici!
(Ok this is a old draft which i forgot to "post")
Thursday, 1 January 2009
New Year New Tag
This year shall be a blogging year or at least I'll try to make it one. So what better day to start than January number 1. I start with a tag because it's soo me. It's the best thing for lazy people. You don't have to think up a blog, it's all ready made! so Thanks Jinuni! Let's see if we can do it justice!
The love potion you made tastes terrible. How will you drink it?
Like everything else, with alcohol in it!
You can punch a hole in an apple using a straw. How do you think that makes your milkshake feel?
Happy that its liquid... imagine being stabbed by a straw!
You've been entered in a shadow puppet contest. What's your best pose?
Jazz hands! I wonder if I'd look like a turkey...
Do you believe that forks are evolved from spoons?
Forks evolved from toothpicks and spoons were just made for jelly
Your people want to make a statue in your honor. What will it be made out of and what victory will it commemorate?
It will be made out of ticky tacky... it will commemorate the victory over the people who don't think that song is great. if you haven't heard it... this is how it goes... little boxes on the hillside little boxes made of ticky tacky...
In the dream where you show up to school naked, why do you never go swimming?
My birthday suit has shrinkage issues
The children are waiting! Please tell them the story about the bald frog with the wig:
Long time ago, in the land far far away, there was once a frog named Jiggy who loved to break dance. He was good at it too. So one day, there was a break dancing competition where the frog who danced the longest, won. so Jiggy danced and danced and danced and he break danced soooooooo much that his hair fell off! So he has to get a wig.
You have to dig a hole to China. Where do you start?
With a spoon in my backyard
So now in tagging tradition I tag thee Bhaskarina and Mayuleee
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